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A teacher, visual artist and design consultant specializing in new media projects, exploring computational art procedures, generative design, creative coding and how to teach programming in visual contexts. Having graduated in architecture and urbanism from FAU-USP (2000), also holds a master’s degree from FECFAU-Unicamp (2019). He co-founded and co-organized Noite de Processing, a monthly event about art and programming that took place uninterrupted from 2016 to early 2024. He has been teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels across various institutions, as well as working as a technology and arts educator at Sesc-SP. He develops open didactic materials, collaborates with free software projects, and, since 2018, tries to make one drawing a day with code.
current research, educational resources and publications
sketch-a-day One visual idea a day, using code
selected work A selection of art works published or exhibited.
material-aulas Introductory programming support resources in Portuguese (Python + py5)
desenho() desenho sem argumentos (drawing without arguments) is an independent publication that explores creative coding and the zine/poster space.
sketch-mail Updates on my computational art / creative coding and education work
Pycon US 2044, tutorial First steps in Creative Coding, learning Python while making drawings and animations
Appearence at Eduardo Mendes’ Live de Python #260 Criando desenhos com py5: programação criativa
Online tutorial for DigitalFUTURES Pensando em 3D com Python: primeiros passos. (gravação, material da apresentação), fevereiro de 2024.
Launch of my Domestika course: Designing with Python: Programming for a Visual Context
Recordings de Python para quem curte Processing e vice-versa* (*programação criativa pra quem curte Python).
- Processing Community Day Brasil 2023
- Palestra Python científico na programação criativa: o que eu aprendi até agora de numpy para usar nos meus desenhos
Oficina da Semana do design ESPM. Design Gerativo, março de 2023.
Material do Ateliê aberto de programação criativa para fabricação digital, no Sesc Av. Paulista, quartas-feiras, 14h30, de março a junho de 2023
- Processing Community Day Porto 2023
- v344: playing with GNU Unifont - selected work.
- Paper objects with Processing and Python
- Rewriten for py5.
2021 - 2022
- Processing Community Day Coimbra 2022
- Webs of collaboration - selected work that can be seen at exhibition.
- Processing Community Day Brasil 2022
- Grafos (v2022_09), work exhibited at the Processing Community Day Brasil 2022 virtual gallery
- Workshop Primeiros passos na programação criativa com Python (first steps in creative coding with Python, an Object Orientation first experience)
Video course for Homeostasis Lab Programação criativa: desenhando com py5 - Combinations and permutations with Processing and Python
Escolas no Brasil, work published at Internet e Sociedade, n.2, v.2, do InternetLab. Dezembro de 2021.
Near Grid / quase grade - Work shown at web-exhibition EmMeio#13: Contaminações do MediaLab UnB, 2021
- Sesc São Paulo
- 2D Physics simulation with Python course (py5 & pymunk) with João Antonio de F. P. e Ferreira - pinball-paulista
- A Kirigami generator with Python - exemplos
- Generating vecto graphics for stencil making with Processing and Python
- Laser-cutting boxes with Python
- Utilitary design of paper objects, with Daniel Seda
- Live Coding a optical toy hack from a Almanaque FestA! activity PT, recording com Maraiza Adami
- LIVE FestA! Sesc Santana: Talking about creative coding (PT, recording) with Monica Rizzolli, mediated by Cristiano Tito
- Hacking at Pycomic - for a comics activity with Aline Yuri, Daniel Seda e Maraiza Adami.
- Processing Community Day Brazil 2021
- Introductory Processing Python mode workshop (PT, recording)
- Recursive Grid 2021_01_21 - Work shown at Galeria Virtual do PCD Brasil 2021
LCCRMY: A RECURSIVE RANDOM WALKER - Work shown at Homeostasis Lab 2021
blaqstart- Obra no Festival Perfídia 2021 with Hamsá Trio
- Multiverso 2021
- Random walker workshop (PT, recording)
- s140_s141_s142_V2020 - Published at Multiverso, 2020
[Processing Python mode for designers, April-May 2021 “at” Platô
- Processing Community Day @ Porto, Portugal, 2021 - Online Processing Python mode introductory workshop (PT).
2019 - 2020
Python Brasil 2019 - Ribeirão Preto (Brazilian PyCon)
- Talk: Aprendendo e ensinando Python para “programadores alternativos” slides da palestra
- desenho() #0_out_2019 zine & poster.
2850 Triangle Interpolations v3, work published in Internet e Sociedade, journal by InternetLab.
Master’s degree dissetation: A taxonomy of themes for teaching programming in a visual context
Collaboration at Escuta Ativa - corpo sonoro project’s 3rd module, with Graziele Lautenschlaeger and Gil Fuser.
Contributions to Rosetta Code Processing examples organized by Jeremy Douglass
Creative Coding Course Open Resources, Processando Processing project and related projects with Monica Rizzolli
2017 - 2018
Writing for Esquina [with Monica Rizzolli]
Amarello #27: Guest editor (opening text)
Python on the Landscape of Programming Tools for Design and Architectural Education presented at SIGRADI 2017, Concepcíon, Chile. [with Daniel de Carvalho Moreira]
Processando Processing Project and Creative Coding Course [with Monica Rizzolli]
Ensino de programação em um contexto de exploração gráfica com Processing modo Python GRAPHICA 2017: XII International Conference on Graphics Engineering for Arts and Design. 2017 [with Daniel de Carvalho Moreira e Monica Rizzolli]
2015 - 2016
teaching activities
Course at Platô Programming for Designers, Oct/Noc 2023
Course at the São Paulo Modern Art Museum (MAM-SP), drawing with code: creative coding, Mar/Apr 2023
Teacher at École Intuit Lab, creative coding and digital culture, since 2023
As a PhD student at FEC-Unicamp, teaching with my supervisor (Daniel Moreira) an elective discipline for architecture undergraduates, 1st semester of 2021: AU262_2021 - Introduction to programming with Python
Teaching at Fábrica Escola de Humanidades (high school), 2020—2022
- Teacher at Belas Artes, since 2019
- Scripting culture (Processing Python Mode) for the Digital Architecture and Parametric Design course
- Teacher at Escola Britânica de Artes Criativas - EBAC, 2019
- Creative coding for the Art & Digital Media course
Art and technology educator at SESC Avenida Paulista, since 2018
- Teacher at Instituto Europeo di Design - São Paulo - IED-SP, 2016—2019
- Creative Coding
- 3D Modeling, VR/AR
Teacher at Escola da Cidade, architectural school, since 2005
- arteprog art and programming, with Monica Rizzolli)
- Programação criativa e arte argorítmica, SESC-SP 2016, 2017 and 2018, Casa Plana 2019.
Estúdio Hacker activities in 2017, SESC 24 de maio inauguration, Estúdio Hacker Day, playful electronics and computer science unplugged
The Developers Conference 2016 (TDC4Kids workshop, Processing + Python, with Luciano Ramalho)
- IA-UNESP - Zonas de Compensação 2016 (Arduino & Processing + Python)