Módulos ou mosaicos de Truchet
A tesselação (isto é o recobrimento de superfícies) por um padrão de quadrados decorados com desenhos que não tem simetria rotacional foi explorada pelo padre dominicano francês Sébastien Truchet.
Veremos aqui uma variante dessa ideia usando arcos que, ao que parece, foi popularizada pelo trabalho de Cyril Stanley Smith and Pauline Boucher, The Tiling Patterns of Sebastien Truchet and the Topology of Structural Hierarchy em um exemplo traduzido para Processing modo Python do original em Processing Java no livro Processing: Creative Coding and Generative Art in Processing 2.
# Translated to Processing Python mode from the Java example at
# "Processing: Creative Coding and Generative Art in Processing 2" by Ira Greenberg, Dianna Xu, Deepak Kumar
from random import choice
tile_size = 50
rows = 50
cols = 50
tiles = [[None] * rows for _ in range(cols)]
ic = color(100, 125, 0) # orange # ic = color(100, 125, 0)
oc = color(20, 150, 255) # blue # oc = color(20, 150, 255)
def setup():
size(1000, 1000)
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
tiles[i][j] = Tile(j * tile_size, i * tile_size, tile_size, ic, oc)
color_swap(i, j)
def color_swap(i, j):
if i > 0 and j == 0: # first tile of a row, starting from the 2nd row
# same orientation as tile directly above
if tiles[i-1][0].orientation == tiles[i][0].orientation:
# set to opposite coloring of my neighbor above
tiles[i][0].swapped_colors = not tiles[i-1][0].swapped_colors
# set to same coloring of my neighbor above
tiles[i][0].swapped_colors = tiles[i-1][0].swapped_colors
if j > 0: # subsequent tiles in a row, including the first
# same orientation as tile to the left
if tiles[i][j-1].orientation == tiles[i][j].orientation:
# set to opposite coloring of my neighbor to the left
tiles[i][j].swapped_colors = not tiles[i][j-1].swapped_colors
# set to same coloring of my neighbor to the left
tiles[i][j].swapped_colors = tiles[i][j-1].swapped_colors
class Tile:
def __init__(self, x, y, w, ic, oc):
self.x, self.y = x, y # x, y coords of top left corner of tile
self.sz = w # size of tile
self.ic = ic # inside – fill of arc if swapColor is False
# outside – fill of background square if swapColor is False
self.oc = oc
self.orientation = choice((0, 1)) # orientation of tile
# whether we should swap inside and outside colors
self.swapped_colors = False
def display(self):
# move to tile's x-y location (upper left corner)
translate(self.x, self.y)
if self.swapped_colors:
rect(0, 0, self.sz, self.sz) # draw background square
translate(self.sz / 2, self.sz / 2) # move to the center of the tile
rotate(self.orientation * PI / 2) # rotate by the appropriate angle
translate(-self.sz / 2, -self.sz / 2) # back to the upper left corner
if self.swapped_colors:
arc(0, 0, self.sz, self.sz, 0, PI / 2)
arc(self.sz, self.sz, self.sz, self.sz, PI, 3 * PI / 2)